Food & Physical Safety

During Safety Orientation you will learn:

  • About the company’s entire safety program, including the Accident Prevention Program.

  • About the Safety Committee.

  • To report all injuries and shown how to do this.

  • To report all hazards to their supervisor and shown how to do this.

  • About all machinery hazards; and, if younger than 18 years of age, instructed about prohibited duties.

  • To never operate equipment unless I am authorized and have been trained properly.

  • About all other hazards and ways to protect myself (i.e., chemicals, use of ladders, slippery floors, etc.).

  • About First Aid supplies, where to find them, and who to reach out to for First Aid.

  • Where to find the emergency exits, evacuation plans, emergency equipment and what to do in the event of an emergencies such as a fire or earthquake.

  • About fire suppression equipment and where fire extinguishers are located.

  • About and was trained on chemical hazards according to Hazard Communication Program requirements.

  • About and was trained on the hazards associated with my job and the specific safety measures I must follow to protect myself from those hazards.

Workplace Hazards



Slips, Trips, and Falls

Lifting and Handling




Cut gloves

Dry towels

Heat-proof gloves

Dry oven mitts

Non-slip shoes

Disposable gloves

Protective eyewear

PPE Stands for
Personal Protective Equipment.

Always wear disposable gloves! Face masks, goggles, heavy-duty gloves and other PPE is available upon request.